I am Zanurin bin Mohamad Safar (B.Ed TESL, MA TESL) - a Master Teacher of English Language (Special Grade C). This is my 32nd year of service and so far, this has been my teaching journey:
1. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Convent St. Cecilia, Sandakan, Sabah (3.5.1993 -
​ 2. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kulim, Kulim, Kedah (1.6.1997- 31.12.2016)
3. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Mutiara, Karangan, Kedah (1.1.2017 – 11.2.2019)
4. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Badlishah, Kulim, Kedah (12.2.2019 - present)
First of all, of course, Thank you Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, for everything. Alhamdulillah, with the love and understanding from my family especially my beloved wife, Zuriati binti Osman and all my children, as well as ongoing support from my present principal and former principals, colleagues, friends, students and former students, parents, non-teaching staff, PIBG, officers from PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu, JPN Kedah and the Ministry of Education.
Not forgetting, I am also indebted to every committed soul in DELTA; Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association. DELTA is akin to my new 'baby' and it is now almost 5 years old. I am one of the founders of DELTA and till this moment, I have been trying to give my level best to DELTA. DELTA offers me a host of platforms to grow and soar professionally.
In short, I have been blessed with numerous opportunities to contribute as much as I could to the field of education particularly in the teaching and learning of English. These are some of my involvements and contributions at the school, district, state, national and international levels:
Panel member of Kedah SPM 1119 Trial Examination (2002 - 2007, 2017)
Head of Panel, Kedah SPM 1119 Trial Examination (2008 - 2016, 2020-2024)
Head of Language Department, SMK Kulim (2008-2010)
Master Teacher (Guru Cemerlang) of English Language DG48 (2010 - 2016), Special Grade C (2023 - present)
Head of Panel, Smart English Module, JPN Kedah (2011)
Chairman of Majlis Guru Cemerlang Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu (2012-2013)
Head of English Unit, Majlis Guru Cemerlang Negeri Kedah 2014-2015)
Certified Coach, School Improvement Specialist Coaches Programme, Ministry of Education (2011-2012)
Head of Panel, Smart Leap English Module, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2013)
Coordinator, The 1st International Edu Visit (Princess Chulabhorn’s College, Satun, Thailand, 2013)
Head of Panel, KPAD SPM English Module, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2014)
Head of Panel, Modul Penulisan BI PT3, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2014)
Panel Member, Modul Bahasa Inggeris DKBB, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2014)
Pentaksir Kawasan, Pentaksiran PT3 BI Negeri Kedah, JPN Kedah (2014)
Coordinator, The 2nd International Edu Visit (Kanchanapissek Wittayalai School, Krabi, Thailand, 2015)
Coordinator, The 3rd International Edu Visit (Sayyidina Hassan Secondary School, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, 2016)
Head of Panel, M.O.R.E (Module for Remedial English), JPN Kedah (2016)
Facilitator / Speaker, SPM Talks in various schools in Kedah and Pulau Pinang (2000 - present)
Head of English Language Panel (1998-2008, 2011-2018)
Master Trainer/ Facilitator / Presenter of workshops/ courses/ seminar on English Language subject at district, state and national levels (1999 - present)
English Language teacher (1993 - present)
Secretary of Highly Immersive Programme Committee (2017-2019)
I transfered to SMK Sultan Badlishah, Kulim (12.2.2019) as a Senior Assistant of Cocurriculum, therefore at present, my responsibilities and duties focus more on managing co-curricular affairs in the school. However, I still teach English in two Form 5 classes and from time to time, contribute to the development of curriculum in the school, district as well as state.
Head of Panel for SPM English Language Module JPN Kedah (2021) (Modul Peningkatan Prestasi SPM 1119 Negeri Kedah 2021)
Chief Facilitator, SPM 1119 for Program IMPAK (Intervensi Meningkatkan Pencapaian Aspirasi Kecemerlangan), organised by Yayasan IMPAK (Nov 2021- Feb 2022)
Facilitator, SMART SPM Programme for SPM 1119/2, organised by MPSM Kulim Bandar Baharu District and Kulim Bandar Baharu District Education Office (7 January 2022)
Head of Panel for SPM English Language Module JPN Kedah (2022) (Modul Peningkatan Prestasi SPM 1119 Negeri Kedah 2022)
Facilitator, Bengkel Menjawab Soalan Kertas 2 SPM Bahasa Inggeris, PPD Larut, Matang dan Selama, Perak, 19 August 2022
Facilitator, Kem Kecemerlangan Murid SPM Daerah Langkawi, PPD Langkawi, 20 Sept 2022
Facilitator, Program Skor A Calon SPM Daerah Pendang, PPD Pendang, 29 Sept 2022
Facilitator, Pathway to English, Serdang Lake View Resort (26-27 Sept 2022)
Facilitator, Developing Language Quality through SELL, PPD Kuala Muda Yan (18.10.2022)
Facilitator, Developing Language Quality through SELL, SMKA Al-Mashoor (Perempuan), Pulau Pinang (21.10.2022)
Facilitator, Developing Language Quality through SELL, SM Sains Teluk Intan, Teluk Intan, Perak (10.12.2022)
Facilitator, Grammar in Action Workshop, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (20.12.2022)
Facilitator, Developing Language Quality through SELL, Maahad Integrasi Tahfiz Selangor, Sabak Bernam (22.12.2022)
Facilitator, For You Series 1: SPM 1119/2 Writing, via YouTube Live, organised by Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA) (13.1.2023)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Workshop: Developing Language Quality through SELL. SM Sains Kubang Pasu, Kedah (13.5.2023)
Head of Panel, Modul Peningkatan Prestasi Murid SPM 1119 Tingkatan 4 dan Tingkatan 5 Negeri Kedah 2023
Panel Member, Modul Peningkatan Prestasi Murid Tingkatan 5, Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun Negeri Kedah 2023
Head of Panel, Modul Peningkatan Prestasi Murid SPM 1119 Tingkatan 5 Negeri Kedah 2024
Chief Judge, Langkawi Project-Based Learning Showcase 2024 (27 June 2024)
Presenter, Jerayawara Kurikulum Persekolahan 2027 (organised by Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum, KPM), 4 July 2024 at Amanjaya Mall, Sungai Petani, Kedah
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Workshop, Akademi Darul Ilmi, Sungai Petani, Kedah (18 January 2025)

​Facilitator, Kursus Komponen Sastera Bahasa Inggeris, JPN Kedah (1999)
Facilitator, Malaysian Trainers Development Programme, JPN Kedah (2000-2002)
Master Trainer/ JU, Kursus Orientasi Kurikulum BI Ting. 3, JPN Kedah (2004)
Master Trainer/JU, Kursus Penggunaan Teaching Courseware BI, JPN Kedah (2004)
Master Trainer/ JU, Kursus Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran BI & EST, JPN Kedah (2005)
Facilitator, Bengkel Pengurusan Kokurikulum Akademik BI, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2006)
Facilitator, Bengkel Peningkatan Aktiviti Koakademik BI Sekolah Menengah, JPN Kedah (2009)
Facilitator, Kursus Profisiensi Guru BI, JPN Kedah (2010)
Facilitator, Program Pecutan Akhir BI SPM 2010, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2010)
Facilitator, Bengkel Pemantapan Profesional Guru-Guru Menengah Rendah, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2011)
Facilitator, Kursus Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru-Guru BI Negeri Kedah: Induksi Modul SPM 2011, JPN Kedah (2011)
Facilitator, Kursus Ke Arah Memperkukuhkan BI Maktab Mahmud Negeri Kedah (2011)
Facilitator, Kursus 'Developing Writing Skills' Untuk Guru-Guru BI DKBB, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2012)
Facilitator, Bengkel Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru-Guru BI Negeri Kedah, JPN Kedah (2012)
Facilitator, Bengkel Pecutan Akhir PMR 2012, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2012)
Facilitator, Kursus Pemantapan Pedagogi Guru BI Ting 5, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2013)
Facilitator, Bengkel Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru-Guru BI dan Pengetua Negeri Kedah, JPN Kedah (2013)
Facilitator, Workshop on 'Teaching Writing Skills for Teachers', SMK Permatang Rawa, Pulau Pinang (2013)
Committee Member, Seminar Guru Cemerlang Negeri Kedah, MGCN Kedah (2013)
Facilitator, Program "Best Practices on Essay Writing", PPD Pendang, Kedah (2014)
Facilitator, Bengkel Pemantapan Teknik Penulisan BI Sekolah Rendah, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2014)
Facilitator, Bengkel 'Developing Writing Skills' Untuk Guru-Guru BI Tingkatan 4 dan 5, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2014)
Speaker, Bengkel Perkongsian Amalan PT3 Bersama JPN, PPD dan Guru Kanan Matapelajaran, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2015)
Facilitator, Bengkel 'Creative Writing' Untuk Guru-Guru BI, PPD Kubang Pasu, Kedah (2015)
Facilitator, Perkongsian Amalan Baik PdP BI SMK Kulim dengan Panitia BI Daerah Kota Setar, Kedah (2015)
Facilitator, Bengkel 'Training of Trainers', PPD Kuala Muda Yan, Kedah (2015)
Facilitator, Bengkel 'Pushing to the Limit: Enhancing Writing Skills among Weak ESL Learners', PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2015)
Speaker, Bengkel Peningkatan Kualiti Guru BI Ting 5, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2016)
Chief Coordinator, Langkawi Colloquium on English Language Teaching, JPN Kedah (2016)
Presenter, Langkawi Colloquium on English Language Teaching, JPN Kedah (2016)
Head of Panel, Bengkel Pembinaan Item BI, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2016)
Head of Panel, Coordination of Scheme of Work for English Form 4 and 5, JPN Kedah (2016)
Chief Coordinator, Langkawi Colloquium on English Language Teaching, JPN Kedah
Presenter, Langkawi Colloquium on English Language Teaching, JPN Kedah (2017)
Facilitator, Bengkel Penulisan Esei BI SPM, SMK Taman Mutiara (2017)
Facilitator, Bengkel 'Strategies in Teaching Writing: Insights and Inspirations', SMK Guar Chempedak/ PPD Kuala Muda Yan, Kedah (2017)
Presenter, Kolokium PdP Abad Ke 21, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2017)
Master Trainer/ JU, Bengkel Pemantapan Pedagogi Guru BI, PPD Padang Terap, Kedah (2017)
Executive Director, The 3rd Langkawi Colloquium on English Language Teaching, JPN Kedah (2018)
Presenter, The 3rd Langkawi Colloquium on English Language Teaching, JPN Kedah (2018)
Presenter, The Best Teaching Practice Seminar (for SPM 1119) organised by JPN Kedah (2019)
Facilitator, Teknik Menjawab Soalan Bahasa Inggeris SPM SMK Pokok Sena, Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang (2019)
Facilitator, Teknik Menjawab Soalan Bahasa Inggeris SPM SMK Dato' Kailan, Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang (2019)
Facilitator, Program Peningkatan Akademik Murid Potensi Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris 2019 Daerah Larut Matang dan Selama, Perak (2019)
Facilitator, Program Kecemerlangan Akademik Bahasa Inggeris Calon SPM SMKA AlMashoor (Perempuan), Pulau Pinang (2020)
Facilitator, Bengkel Teknik Menjawab SPM Bahasa Inggeris 1119 MRSM Trans Krian, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang (2020)
Facilitator, Program Kecemerlangan SPM 2020 Smart and Practical Preparation in SPM English 1119 SM Sains Sultan Azlan Shah, Taiping, Perak (2020)
Facilitator, Program Menggapai Bintang SPM Bahasa Inggeris SMK Dusun Nanding, Hulu Langat, Selangor (2021)
Presenter, Let's Celebrate Issues in ESL Classrooms: Sharing of Best Practices with JPN Perlis (26 June 2021)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop for Kubang Pasu District English Language Teachers (5 July 2021)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop for English Teachers, organised by DELTA, participated by 380 English Language teachers from all over the country (10 July 2021)
Founder of Di-CEP (DELTA Innovation Channel for ELT Practitioners) (2021) - Di-CEP is a Telegram Channel created to nurture and develop innovative practices among ELT practitioners nationwide.
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 for SMK Putrajaya Presint 18, Putrajaya (16.7.2021)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 for SMK Pengkalan Lebai Man, Sungai Petani, Kedah (22.7.2021)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 for SMK Putrajaya Presint 5, Putrajaya (26.7.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMK Bandar Sungai Petani, Sungai Petani, Kedah (10.8.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMK Setapak Indah, Kuala Lumpur (13.8.2021)
Facilitator or Tips and Guidelines for SPM 1119/2 (for English Language Teachers in Kedah) (14.8.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMK Dato' Onn, Butterworth, Pulau Pinang (23.8.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMK (P) Treacher Methodist, Taiping, Perak (27.8.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMK Pengerang Utama, Pengerang, Johor (3.9.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMK Petaling, Kuala Lumpur (Siri 1) (10.9.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMA Hj Muhamad, Bahau, Negeri Sembilan (2.10.2021)
Facilitator SPM 1119/2 for SMK Changlun, Changlun, Kedah (9.10.2021)
Facilitator, Workshop "Developing Confidence and Motivation to Write among Lower Intermediate SPM 1119/2 Candidates" for English teachers in Kulim Bandar Baharu District (11.10.2021)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 for SMK Petaling, Kuala Lumpur (Siri 2) (30.10.2021)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 for SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh, Ipoh, Perak (12.11.2021)
Chair, International Virtual Symposium of Innovation and ELT 2021 (i-VISION 2021), organised by DELTA, 13-14 December 2021
Presenter, Enhancing Communicative Achievement in 1119/2 Part 1, SMK Sultan Badlishah, Kulim, Kedah for Heads of English Panel of Kulim Bandar Baharu District (2.8.2022)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 for SMA Haji Muhamad, Bahau, Negeri Sembilan (5.8.2022)
Forum Panel member, International Language Symposium, CELPAD, IIUM (28.9.2022)
Facilitator, Bengkel Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru-Guru Bahasa Inggeris PPD Sik Fasa 1 (10.9.2022)
Facilitator, Bengkel Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru-Guru Bahasa Inggeris PPD Sik Fasa 2 (17.10.2022)
Facilitator, Developing Language Quality through SELL (for English Language teachers from the northern region boarding schools), SM Sains Sultan Mohamad Jiwa, Sungai Petani, Kedah (29.10.2022)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop, Maahad Integrasi Tahfiz Selangor, Sabak Bernam, Selangor (via Google Meet) (22 December 2022)
Presenter, P.R.I.M.E, Program Adiwiraku; Inspirasi and Aspirasi daripada Guru Cemerlang Kedah, Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan, UUM (4.1.2023)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop for Lower Intermediate Learners, SMK Pokok Sena, Pokok Sena, Pulau Pinang (27.1.2023)
Presenter, Road to Guru Cemerlang Siri 3, SMK Kulim, Kulim, Kedah (7.2.2023)
Presenter, P.R.I.M.E; Road to Special Grade C, presented during DELTA's 5th Annual General Meeting, PPD Kuala Muda Yan, Sungai Petani (18.2.2023)
Forum Panelist, Webinar Bicara Inspirasi Kecemerlangan Siri 1: A Journey to Guru Cemerlang Gred Khas C, YouTube Live (1.3.2023)
Presenter, Road to Excellence, SMK Sultan Badlishah, Kulim, Kedah (9.3.2023)
Facilitator, Action Research Workshop for Teachers of SMK Sultan Badlishah, Kulim, Kedah (11.4.2023)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop, SM Sains Kubang Pasu, Kodiang, Kedah (13 May 2023)
Chair, DELTA First International Conference on English Language Teaching 2023 (D' i-CELT 2023), 16-17 June 2023, Park Avenue Hotel, Sungai Petani, Kedah
Facilitator, Slot Virtual Bahasa Inggeris Bersama Guru Dinamik, YouTube Live:, 10.8.2023 (Organiser: Yayasan IMPAK)
Judge, Pertandingan Inovasi Kolokuim Pendidikan Majlis Guru Cemerlang Malaysia, 16-19 Ogos 2023, Hotel Oriental Crystal, Kajang, Selangor.
Facilitator, Reach for the Stars Writing Workshop for Kota Setar District English Teachers, SMKA Kedah, Alor Setar, Kedah (26 September 2023).
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop, SMK Bakar Arang, Sungai Petani, Kedah (27 October 2023).
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop for Lower Intermediate Candidates, SMK Pokok Sena, Pokok Sena, Pulau Pinang (3 November 2023)
Facilitator, SPM 1119/2 Writing Workshop, SMK Datuk Ahmad Badawi, Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang (17 November 2023)
Facilitator, Writing Workshop for Lower Intermediate 1119/2 Candidates, SMK Darul Ridwan, Taiping, Perak (18.12.2023)
Facilitator, Writing Workshop for Lower Intermediate 1119/2 Candidates, PPD Langkawi (5.2.2024) (Using WoW TeLL Training Module for Teachers)
Facilitator, Teaching Strategies to Prepare Weak Writers for SPM 1119/2, (YouTube, 18 Feb 2024)
Facilitator, Writing Action Research Workshop 1 for DELTA Journal of Action Research (DJAR) (Google Meet, 27 Feb 2024)
Facilitator, Strengthening e-VOLTS (PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu, 31 March 2024)
Facilitator, Teach and Inspire Workshop, (PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu, 14 April 2024)
Facilitator, Writing Workshop for Lower Intermediate 1119/2 Candidates, PPD Baling (9.6.2024) (Using WoW TeLL Training Module for Teachers)
Facilitator, Writing Workshop for Potential A SPM 1119 Candidates, SMK Pokok Sena, Pulau Pinang, 26 July 2024
Master Trainer, Approaching Writing and Speaking Workshop for English Teachers in Kuala Muda Yan District, SMK Pengkalan Lebai Man, 31 July 2024
Invited speaker, Specialist Certificate in ESL Pedagogy, at Pusat Latihan Pembelajaran Perlis, Kangar, Perlis, organised by English Language Teaching Centre, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan, 10 October 2024
Speaker, Developing Excellence as English Language Teachers, an online webinar organised by MELTA, 13 October 2024
Speaker, Developing Excellence among Educators: Road to Success (DEERS) for educators in Langkawi District, at PPD Langkawi, 13 January 2025
Champion of Kedah State Level English Drama Competition 2003 (Script Writer, Trainer) (2003)
Coordinator of SMKK English Language Camp (Park Royal Hotel, Batu Ferringhi, 2005 / Crown Jewel Hotel, Tanjung Bunga, 2006 / Seaview Hotel, Langkawi, 2008, Cinta Sayang Golf and Country Resort, 2010 / Bayview Beach Resort, Pulau Pinang, 2011)
Champion of Kulim Bandar Baharu District Level English Drama Competition (Script writer / Trainer) (2008 - 2015)
Top 3 positions, Kedah State Level English Drama Competition (Script writer / Trainer) (2008 - 2015)
Committee Member, National Level English Drama Competition (2007)
Technical Officer of English Drama Competition, Kulim Bandar Baharu District (2006 - 2012)
Judge, National Level English Drama Competition 2011, MOE (2011)
Committee Member, National Level English Carnival 2012, MOE (2012)
Champion, Kedah State Level English Drama Competition (Script Writer/ Trainer) (2012)
Judge, Pertandingan Debat Piala Cyber Security Malaysia, Peringkat Zon Utara (2013)
Coordinator, The 1st International Literature Appreciation Camp 2014, SMK Kulim (Damai Park Resort, Merbok, 2014)
Head of Technical Team, National Level English Drama Competition 2015, MOE (2015)
Coordinator, The 2nd International Literature Appreciation Camp, SMK Kulim (Swiss Inn Hotel, Sungai Petani, 2016)
Facilitator, The 1st Kedah International English in Camp, JPN Kedah/MOE (2017)
Chaperon, The 1st International English Integration Camp, Satun Primary Educational Service Area Office, Thailand (2017)
Facilitator, The 2nd International English in Camp, MOE (2018)
Head of the Technical Team, Kedah State Level English Drama Competition, JPN Kedah (2009 - 2017)
Head of Technical and Adjudication Committee for Co-academic English Competitions, PPD Kulim Bandar Baharu (2015 - 2020)
Committee Member, Kedah Co-Academic English Competitions, JPN Kedah (2009 - present)
Judges of various co-academic English competitions in Kedah, JPN Kedah (1999 - present)
Head of Technical and Adjudication Committee for Co-Academic English Competitions, JPN Kedah (2019 - 2020)
Adjudicator, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Abdul Rahman Arshad Challenge Trophy National English Language Debate Competition 2019
Committee Member, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Abdul Rahman Arshad Challenge Trophy National English Language Debate Competition 2019
Facilitator, English Language Debate Workshop for PPD Langkawi, 8 March 2020, PPD Langkawi, Langkawi
Speaker, Online English Debate for Secondary Schools (via Facebook Live), 7 April 2020
Head of Technical, The MCO English Language Digital Video Competition Kedah State Level 2020, 4 May - 18 June 2020
Head of Technical Committee, Kedah Essay Writing Competition for Form 6 Category (2020)
Mentor for Centralised Training for Poetry Recitation (Primary and Secondary School Categories); coaching Kedah state champions for the national level competition (2020)
A member of Management Cluster, Kedah English Language Co-Academic Competitions (2021 - )
Presenter, The Art of Speech (Poetry Recitation) on SSTP Kedah YouTube Live Channel (26 February 2021)
Coordinator of Kedah State Level Poetry Writing Competition for Form 6 Category 2021 (1-18 July 2021)
Co-mentor, Parliamentary Debate Competition, Kulim Bandar Baharu District Level 2021 (Third Placing)
Co-mentor, Poetry Recitation Competition, Kulim Bandar Baharu District Level 2021 (Third Placing)
Supervisor of Kedah State Level Secondary School Poetry Recitation Competition 2021 (3-25 August 2021)
Co-mentor, English Sketch Competition, Kedah State Level 2021 (Champion)
Co-mentor, English Sketch Competition, National Level 2021 (First Runner-Up)
Chief Judge, National Level Poetry Recitation (Secondary) Competition 2021, organised by the Sports, Co-curriculum and Art Division, Ministry of Education
Co-trainer, Parliamentary English Language Debate 2022, Third Placing, Kulim Bandar Baharu District Level 2022
Mentor, English Online Drama Competition 2022, Kedah State Champion 2022
Mentor, Northern Zone Petrosains Drama Competition 2024, 4th placing
Mentor, Kulim Bandar Baharu District Level Public Speaking Competition 2024, 3rd placing
Mentor, Kedah State Level The American Corner Interactive Public Speaking Competition for Secondary Schools 2024, State Champion
Mentor, Johor Lead Convention 2024, Presentation by SMK Sultan Badlishah - Fostering National Unity through Blood Donation, received a Certificate of Achievement (Impactful Project)
Mentor, Experience Kedah 2025 Poetry Recitation Competition - Champion of Kulim Bandar Baharu District (Secondary School Category), 29 December 2024
​“Characteristics of Reflective Practice among ESL Teachers” presented at The 6th Malaysia International Conference for English Language Teaching 2006 (MICELT 2006), Equatorial Hotel, Malacca
“Promoting Language Accuracy in Writing through Oral Composition” presented at The Science and Art of Language in Teaching International Conference 2006 (SALT 2006), Bayview Beach Resort, Penang
“Images of Professional Development among ESL Teachers” presented at The 5th ASIA TEFL International Conference 2007, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
“Developing Writing Skills among the Lower-Intermediate ESL Learners: What is the ‘Right’ Method or Approach?” presented at The 17th MELTA International Conference 2008, The Gurney Hotel, Penang
“Slow Or Sluggish? Enriching Adjectives in Narrative Essays through VENESSA” presented at UPALS ICL An International Conference on Languages 2009, Bayview Hotel, Georgetown, Penang
“Learning Anxiety in the EFL Writing Classrooms: Voices of Malaysian Learners“ presented at International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Culture (ICLLIC) 2010, Eastin Hotel, Penang
“CO.P: An Intervention Strategy to Motivate Weak and Reluctant ESL Writers” presented at The 5th International English Language Teaching Conference 2011 (iELT-Con 2011), Bayview Hotel, Georgetown, Penang
“The Implementation of i-Yahoo in the Pre-Task Phase of a Task-Based ESL Writing Lesson” presented at The 21st MELTA International Conference 2012 Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
“Enhancing the Development of Supporting Ideas and Details in Essays through Task-Based Language Teaching” presented at The 6th International English Language Teaching Conference 2013 (iELT-Con 2013), Bayview Hotel, Georgetown, Penang
“Developing Weak ESL Learners’ Confidence to Write Compositions through Task-Based Language Teaching Strategy: MyMy-Q” presented at The 10th Malaysia International Conference on English Language Teaching Conference 2014 (MICELT 2014), Palace of Golden Horses Hotel, Seri Kembangan, Selangor
“Advocating Humanistic Language Teaching in ESL Writing Classrooms” presented at The 7th International English Language Teaching Conference 2015 (iELT-Con 2015), Bayview Hotel, Georgetown, Penang
“The Efficacy of Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of Literature among Average ESL Learners” presented at Malaysian International Conference on Languages, Literature and Cultures 2016 (MICOLLAC 2016), Rainbow Paradise Resort, Penang
“Upholding 4Cs in the Teaching of the Novel Dear Mr. Kilmer” presented at The 8th International English Language Teaching Conference 2017 (iELT-Con 2017), Bayview Hotel, Georgetown, Penang
"Nurturing the Super Skills of the 21st Century through Cooperative Learning Strategies" presented at the 1st ASEAN ELT International Conference 2018, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka (2018)
"Nurturing Competence in Teaching Intermediate and Lower Intermediate ESL/EFL Learners through R.E.S.E.T" presented as a Lead Speaker at Malaysian International Convention on Education Research and Management 2020 (via ZOOM), 26 August 2020
"FoRe-GO: A Basic Tool to Nurture 21st Century Skills during Remote Learning", presented at the Second International Conference on the Future of Education, 17-18 November 2020 (via YouTube)
"Nurturing A Growth Mindset among ESL Writers", presented at International Conference of Research on Language Education (IROLE 2021), 23-24 March 2021 (via Zoom)
"Enhancing Learner Engagement in ESL Classrooms", presented at Chuping Valley National Education Colloquium Perlis 2021, 3 August 2021, via YouTube Channel Live
"Nurturing Creative and Critical Thinking Skills through AANEC", an innovation presented at the 6th CAIELTS 2021 (6th International Creativity and Innovation Exhibition and Language Teaching Seminar), 7 August 2021, via YouTube Live
"Enhancing the Power of Learner Questioning in ESL Reading Classrooms through MAXi-Q", an innovation presented at International Conference on English Language 2021 (ICEL 2021), 25-26 August 2021, via YouTube Live
"Nurturing High Order Thinking Skills through PIQS", a paper presented at the 7th International Creativity and Innovation Exhibition and Language Teaching Seminar, 6 August 2022, via
"The Art of Crafting Excellence among ESL Educators", a paper presented at The First DELTA International Conference on English Language Teaching 2023 (D' i-CELT 2023). 16-17 June 2023, Park Avenue Hotel, Sungai Petani, Kedah
Presenter, "Rahsia Menggapai Gred Khas C", Kolokium Pendidikan Majlis Guru Cemerlang Malaysia 2023, 16-19 Ogos 2023, Hotel Oriental Crystal, Kajang, Selangor.
Presenter, Developing Critical Thinkers through the Exploration of Malaysian Folklore, presented at the 16th ESAP Symposium, Sunway University, Selangor (10 August 2024)
Presenter, Supporting Professional Growth among English Language Teachers via @Exclusive Zone of English, LaRIS 9th International Creativity and Innovation in Education for Language Teaching & STEM, 16th September 2024, via YouTube
​DrillCo (Drilling in Composition) (1999) [Issue: Potential A students lack varied sentence structures in writing]
SAREAP (Self-Access Reading Programme) (2000) [Issue: Pre-university students lack ideas in writing]
The Basic 600 (2001) [Issue: Weak students lack vocabulary]
Vocabulary Appetizers (2002) [Issue: Weak students have limited vocabulary]
Synonyms Strike (2003) [Issue: Potential A students lack merits in writing]
Oral Composition (2005) [Issue: Teaching writing in a fun way]
Sentence 1,2,3 (Form 1 – Form 3) (2007) [Issue: Students’ language accuracy is bad – they are able to write essays but errors are very evident]
FoGI (Focused Grammar Instruction) (2008) [Issue: Students’ language accuracy is bad – they are able to write essays but errors are very evident]
VOCEP (Vocabulary Enrichment Programme) Form 1 – Form 5 (2009) [Issue: Potential A students need to enrich their vocabulary]
VENESSA Version 2 (Vocabulary Enrichment in Narrative Essays) (2010) [Issue: Potential A students only use common adjectives in their essays]
DIVER FORMS (Different Verb Forms) (Form 1 – Form 5) (2010) [Issue: There are errors in tenses in students’ writing]
MyMy-Q (2011) [Issue: Weak students refuse to write essays]
KONA (2011) [Issue: Weak students always claim they have ideas but unable to write sentences in English]
GORENG (2011) [Issue: Weak students claim they do not know how to elaborate or they write very little]
CoCo (Construction in Continuity) (Form 1 – Form 3) (2011) [Issue: Students lack writing practices]
e-Pron (Enriching Personal Response on the Novel) (2012) 42211 (2012) [Issue: Students do not know how to give personal responses based on the novel read]
GS4GS (Great Stories for Great Score) (2013) [Issue: Potential A and A+ students lack interesting ideas for narrative essays]
METIIC (Merit Enrichment through Idioms in Composition) (2013) [Issue: Potential A students do not know how to use idiomatic expressions in their writing]
S-Code (Structured Content and Details) (2014) [Issue: Students do not know how to elaborate ideas in Directed Writing]
FOPAW (Focused Paragraph Writing) (2014) [Issue: Students still have problems with language accuracy]
SSAT (Self-Access Speaking Toolkit) (2014) [Issue: PT3 students lack ideas for speaking tasks]
e-SUN (Enriching Students’ Understanding of the Novel) (2014) [Issue: Students do not know how to give personal responses based on the novel read]
My VJ (My Views and Justifications) (2015) [Issue: Students lack confidence to communicate in English]
MASE (Mass Spoken English) (2015) [Issue: Students lack confidence to communicate in English]
7-My (Preparing 7 Personal Paragraphs) (2015) [Issue: Weak students do not know what to write for continuous essays]
LISAS (List, Select, Arrange & Support) (2015) [Issue: Students’ essays for SPM are off-tangent]
e-VOLTS (Enrichment of Vocabulary on Long Term Scheme) (2015) [Issue: Students need a systematic way of enriching their vocabulary on long term basis]
Minimum Scores (2015) [Issue: Students set a targeted mark or grade but they do not know the minimum mark they need to score in each section]
Paragraph Writing Scheme (PAWS) (2015) [Issue: Potential A and B students still have frequent grammar errors when they write]
Homework: 100 sentences (2016) [Issue: Students should not stop writing especially during long school holidays – at least they write sentences but on ongoing basis]
Novel Marathon: Dear Mr Kilmer (2016) [Issue: Students have problems relating actions done characters or events to themes and moral lessons]
GS4GS (Great Stories for Great Score) Vol. 2 (2016) [Issue: Potential A and A+ students lack interesting ideas for narrative essays]
Novel Marathon: Dear Mr Kilmer Version 2 (2017) [Issue: Weak students have problems reading and understanding the SPM novel (Dear Mr Kilmer)]
e-SIDE (Engagement in Simple Dialogues of English) (2017) [Issue: HIP – to encourage students to use simple communicative English]
e-VOLTS POP (Enrichment of Vocabulary on Long Term Scheme: Power of Parents) (2018) [Issue: Students need a systematic way of enriching their vocabulary on long term basis with close supervision by and continuous support from their parents]
SCOPE-Q (SPM Continuous Writing: Analysis of Past Examination Questions) (2018) [Issue: Besides having language problems, some students also have critical problems regarding ideas or content for their essays. SCOPE-Q has categorised past SPM CW questions into several categories and also offers very useful tips in term of content for CW)
COLA (Communicative Language Activities) Module (2018) [Issue: Average and weak learners lack confidence to take part in communicative language activities. This COLA Module offers 50 activities which promote confidence to communicate as well as the development of 4Cs]
HIP ReST (Highly Immersive Programme: Read, Share & Tell) (2019) [Issue: Some non-English teachers have problems to conduct activities in English to support the implementation of HIP in school. HIP ReST offers them a very practical way to contribute to HIP even if their command of English is poor.]
KC (Keywords and Columns) (2019) [Issue: Continuous Writing questions have at least 2 parts which some students fail to fulfil. KC can ensure all the parts or requirements are fulfilled.]
LDP VSS C (2019) [Issue: Some SPM candidates do not know how to paraphrase or rewrite the summary points using their own words. LDP VSS C is a tool that offers 7 ways or strategies to paraphrase the summary content points]
OCPD (2019) [Issue: Many SPM candidates have problems with the content of their Continuous Essays. Some of their ideas are irrelevant, unconvincing and uninteresting. OCPD can guide the students to improve the quality of their ideas in essay writing.
FoRe-GO (2020) [Issue: Dependent learners need guidance to think critically for essay writing during home-based learning/ online learning. FoRe-GO stands for focused reasoning skills using a graphic organizer]
MAXi-Q (Maximizing Questioning) (2021) [Issue: ESL Readers rarely ask themselves and their peers questions as they read a text. ESL readers also have inadequate questioning and thinking skills. MAXi-Q exposes them to questions which are divided into six cognitive domains which are in line with Bloom's Taxonomy.
STAR Module (Smart Tips for A in Writing SPM 1119/2 Module). [Issue: SPM candidates of 2021 will be the first batch of students who will sit for SPM 1119 using the new examination format. The learning of how to write essays in this new format has been interrupted a few times due to a few series of Movement Control Order. This module offers various tips and guideline needed by the candidates]
TEAMS Module (Teacher Training Module for SPM 1119/2) (2021). [Issue: SPM 1119/2 is new for Form 5 teachers who have to coach their own SPM 2021 candidates to write essays. Some teachers are not sure how to teach writing and how to prepare their candidates to excel in writing]
AANEC (Applying, Analysing, Evaluating, Creating) (2021). [Issue: Pupils do not have confidence, knowledge and skill to ask creative and critical thinking questions. Yet, having the ability to formulate and ask HOTS questions is very crucial in preparing pupils/ school leavers for IR 4.0.AANEC is a tool that can practically and effectively address this crucial issue.]
WISE Module (Writing Skills Enrichment Module for SPM 1119/2) (2021) [Issue: Most lower intermediate / weak SPM 1119/2 candidates have serious issues when it comes to essay writing. Many of them are unable to complete their tasks successfully. This module offers tips and guidelines to develop weak learners' confidence and motivation to write)
SELL Module (2022); Strategies to Enhance Language Lustre, for SPM 1119/2
Civic in English for Form 1, co-writer with Saraswathy Rathakrishnan and Noor Elhidayah binti Elias (2022)
FAITE V (2023); Focused Adjectives/Idioms to Enrich Vocabulary in SPM 1119/2 Writing [Issue: SPM 1119 candidates lack less common lexis in their essays. FAITE V offers them focused adjectives which are considered as high-flown words to be applied in their essays]
WoW TeLL Module (2024): [Workshop on Writing: Teaching Lower Intermediate Learners] A teacher training module to develop confidence and writing skills among lower intermediate learners.
ARAS (2024); Action Research Article: Simple Guide [Issue: To provide guidelines for novice action researchers to write AR articles to be published in DJAR]
FAME (2024): Fostering and Maximising Excellence Module [Issue: To provide teachers / Guru Cemerlang applicants tips and guidelines on how to develop expertise and nurture excellence.]
DEERS (2025); Developing Excellence among Educators - Road to Success Module [Issue: Educators do not realise their potential to be Master Teachers/Guru Cemerlang and many are not sure how to prepare themselves to apply for GC. DEERS is the revised and enhanced module of FAME (2024) that has been proven to inspire educators to develop their excellence/ quality as educators]
1Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2000)
Anugerah Guru Inovatif (Individu) Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu (2003)
Anugerah Guru Inovatif (Individu) Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu (2007)
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2007)
Basil Wijasuriya Award (pembentang terbaik di Persidangan MELTA) (2008)
Anugerah Khas Penglibatan Menyeluruh, SMK Kulim (2009)
Anugerah Khas Guru Akademik Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu District (2012)
Anugerah Khas Guru Ko-akademik Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu (2013)
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2012)
Anugerah Khas Guru Akademik Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu District (2015)
Anugerah Khas Jasamu Dikenang, SMK Kulim (2017)
Anugerah Kehadiran Penuh Bertugas, SMK Taman Mutiara (2017)
Anugerah Etika Pengurusan Masa, SMK Taman Mutiara (2017)
Anugerah Mata Kredit Tertinggi SMK Sultan Badlishah (2019)
Silver Award, International Learning Innovation Competition 2019 ("Kona & Goreng: A Toolkit to Coach Lower Intermediate ESL Learners to Write Essays". Organiser: Universiti Utara Malaysia
Bronze Award, International Competition for Educational Innovation and Research 2020 (Q-SOPE). Organiser: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Silver Award for AANEC, 6th International Creativity and Innovation Exhibition and Language Teaching Seminar. Organiser: Labuan Research, Innovation and Creativity Society
Silver Award for MAXI-Q, International Innovative Competition on Languages, Education and Societies 2022 (IINNCOME 2022). Organiser: UiTM Perlis Branch
Bronze Award for e-book 100 Practical Activities for 21st Century Skills in ESL Classrooms, International Innovative Competition on Languages, Education and Societies 2022 (IINNCOME 2022). Organiser: UiTM Perlis Branch
Anugerah Khas Kecemerlangan Kurikulum, Sambutan Hari Guru Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu 2022
Gold medal, Civic in English for Form 1 (2022), co-writer with Saraswathy Rathakrishnan and Noor Elhidayah binti Elias, Badlishah International Virtual Innovation Competition 2022. Organiser: SMK Sultan Badlishah
Appointment as Guru Cemerlang (Bahasa Inggeris) Gred Khas C by the Ministry of Education (7.2.23)
Hyacinth Gaudart Outstanding English Teacher Award 2023, awarded by Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)
Executive Innovator Award for WaRD 3AW (An innovative reading programme), Badlishah International Virtual Innovation Competition 2023 (BIVIC 2023) (18 November 2023) (Innovators: Noor Hayati binti Abdullah, Rumuthamalar Rajaratnam, Norjah Ismail & Zanurin bin Mohamad Safar)
Silver Award for 5E1Q (a learning model integrated with ChatGPT for speaking lessons), Badlishah International Virtual Innovation Competition 2023 (BIVIC 2023) (18 November 2023) (Co-innovators: Saraswathy d/o Rathakrishnan, Manesha Kaur d/o Rajendra Singh, Logavijaindran s/o Damotharan)
Bronze Award for 'The Light of a New Tomorrow', Arau International Poetry Festival 2023
Bronze Award for 'Integrating ChatGPT with 5E1Q Model: Enhancing Students' Speaking Performance through e-Speaking Module' (International Technology-Enhanced Language Learning Innovation Competition 2024) ((Co-innovators: Saraswathy d/o Rathakrishnan, Manesha Kaur d/o Rajendra Singh, Kamila binti Mahali)
Anugerah Tokoh Pendidik (Alumnni), awarded by the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor in conjunction with Teachers' Day Celebration 2024 (18.5.2024)
Bronze Award, 'Developing the Efficacy of Teaching Writing among English Language Teachers via @EZE', Open International Innovations Challenge 2024 (OPIIC 2024). Organiser: UiTM Pulau Pinang
Silver Award, 'Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Teaching of Writing via @Exclusive Zone of English', International Language and Education Innovation Competition 2024, (I- InnoLED 2024). Organiser: Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
​e-Proceeding of the First Langkawi International Conference on English Language Teaching 2019 (La' i-CELT 2019) (Editor)
Revealing the Truth: How to Gauge Genuine and Fallacious Poor ESL Writers? (2019). Published in the e-Proceeding of the First Langkawi International Conference on English Language Teaching 2019 (La' i-CELT 2019)
DELTA Connexion Issue 1, May 2020. A quarterly e-newsletter published by Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600 (Editor)
Why Some Writing Strategies for Lower Intermediate ESL Learners Fail (2020). An article published in DELTA Connexion Issue 1, May 2020, e-ISSN 2716-6600
DELTA Connexion Issue 2, August 2020. A quarterly e-newsletter published by Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600 (Editor)
The Pandemic of COVID-19 and Its Effects on ESL Teachers and Learners. (2020). An article published in DELTA Connexion, Issue 2, August 2020, e-ISSN 2716-6600
DELTA Connexion Issue 3, November 2020. A quarterly e-newsletter published by Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA) (Chief Editor)
Understanding Disaffected Learners in ESL Classrooms. (2020). An article published in DELTA Connexion, Issue 3, November 2020, e-ISSN 2716-6600
Insights and Inspirations on the Teaching of Writing among Lower Intermediate ESL Learners. (2020). An e-book published by Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA)
The Science and Art of Teaching Writing among Potential ESL Learners. (2020). An e-book published by Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA)
Tips to Engage ESL Learners in Online Learning. (2021). An article published in DELTA Connexion, Issue 4, February 2021. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
Differentiated Instruction: To Defy or Diversify. (2021). An article published in DELTA Connexion Issue 5, May 2021. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA). e-ISSN 2716-6600
Nurturing A Growth Mindset among ESL Writers. (2021). An article published in the e-Proceeding of International Conference of Research on Language Education (IROLE 2021). Publisher: UiTM Cawangan Melaka
Five Practical Activities to Enhance Pupil Engagement during Online Distance Learning (2021). An article published in DELTA Connexion Issue 6, August 2021. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
Negotiation Skills. (2021). A chapter written in a book 100 Practical Activities for 21st Century Skills in ESL Classrooms. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
The Art of Self-Motivation. (2021). An article published in DELTA Connexion Issue 8, November 2021. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
100 Practical Activities for 21st Century Skills in ESL Classrooms. (2021) A Chapter on Negotiation Skills. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA)
The Paradigm of Voluntarism among ESL Educators, DELTA Connexion, Issue 8 April 2022. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
Civic in English for Form 1 (2022), Saraswathy Rathakrishnan, Zanurin bin Mohamad Safar, Noor Elhidayah binti Elias, Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA)
Amalan PDPC Terbaik: Aktiviti KBAT SMK Sultan Badlishah 2022, Publisher: SMK Sultan Badlishah
The Landscape of Diversity in Education. (2023). An article published in DELTA Connexion Issue 10, April 2023. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
Nurturing Speaking Confidence among Lower Intermediate ESL Learners. (2023). A handbook which offers 50 simple practical speaking activities for weak learners. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA)
The Landscape of Diversity in Education. DELTA Connexion Issue 10, April 2023. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
The Art of Crafting Excellence among ESL Educators, an article published in the e-Proceedings of The First DELTA International Conference on English Language Teaching 2023. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA) (e-ISBN 9789671891155)
Knocking on the Doors of Opportunities for Personal and Professional Growth. DELTA Connexion Issue 11, November 2023. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
Introduction, The Teaching and Learning of Vocabulary: Voices of ESL Practitioners e-ISBN 9789671891162 (2024). Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA)
Let's Grow Together, The Teaching and Learning of Vocabulary: Voices of ESL Practitioners e-ISBN 9789671891162 (2024). Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA)
Sustainability in English Language Teaching: A Brief Overview, DELTA Connexion Issue 12, April 2024. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
Embracing Lifelong Learning: Why English Teachers Must Continuously Evolve, DELTA Connexion Issue 13, November 2024. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISSN 2716-6600
Nurturing Speaking Confidence among Lower Intermediate ESL Learners: A Handbook, published in January 2025. Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISBN 978 967 18911 79
Editor, DELTA Journal of Action Research 2025, Published in January 2025, Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISBN 978 967 18911 79, e-ISSN 2948-4839
Nurturing Questioning and Thinking Skills among ESL Readers, in DELTA Journal of Action Research 2025, January 2025, Publisher: Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), e-ISBN 978 967 18911 79, e-ISSN 2948-4839
​President of Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), 2019/2020 Session (Term 1)
President of Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), 2020/2022 Session (Term 2)
Secretary of Kulim Bandar Baharu District English Language Panel 2022
Secretary of Kulim Bandar Baharu District English Language Panel 2023
President of Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), 2022/2024 Session (Term 3)
President of Darul Aman English Language Learning and Teaching Association (DELTA), 2024/2026 Session (Term 4)