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I always have this dialogue with reluctant lower intermediate learners during my writing workshops:

Me: “Boys and girls, if you do not know how to swim but you swim, swim and swim, will you be able to swim one day?

Boys and girls: “Yes”

Me: “It is the same with writing. No doubt you may feel or you think you cannot write. However, if you write, write and write, will you be able to write?”

Boys and girls: “Yes”

Obviously, the tips to coach reluctant lower intermediate learners are simple:

  1. Convince the learners that PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS.

  2. Just like swimming, to be able to write, they need to write all the time; on ongoing basis.

  3. Explain the basic concept of main idea and supporting sentences to lower intermediate learners. Make them understand that the supporting sentences are the ones that will help them to form a paragraph when they write.

  4. Reluctant learners do not have to write long sentences. Just focus on simple sentences. Having 100% simple sentences is much better than submitting an essay with only a few lines written or not writing at all.

  5. Make use of the limited vocabulary that they have.

  6. Never mind if they simply repeat their sentence structures. What matters more is their attempt to develop ideas.

  7. Do not worry about making grammar mistakes. Just write!

  8. Do not worry whether readers or examiners cannot understand what they write. Just write, write and write!

Let us look at these main ideas and supporting ideas which should illustrate the eight tips shared above. The following could be simple writing tasks which lower intermediate learners can do on their own.

SPM 2019: Write about the day you first met your best friend. Describe where you were and how you began talking to each other. Explain how your friendship has developed since that time.


Based on the question above, develop the main idea below by writing any supporting sentences that can explain more about the main idea.

Main idea 1: I went to my new school.

Supporting sentences:

1. My new school was big.

2. My new school was beautiful.

3. It was clean.

4. I saw many pupils.

5. I saw many blocks.

6. I saw Berlian Block.

7. My class was at Intan Block.

8. Intan Block was near the canteen.

9. The canteen was small.

10. The toilets were dirty.


Main idea 2: I met Adam, my new friend.

Supporting sentences:

1. Adam was a good boy.

2. Adam was handsome.

3. Adam looked like Justin Bieber.

4. Adam was kind.

5. Adam helped me in class.

6. Many girls liked Adam.

7. Siti liked Adam.

8. Adam did not like Siti.

9. Adam was a smart pupil.

10. Teachers loved Adam.


  1. Read and understand the SPM 2018 question below.

  2. Complete Practice 1. Write any suitable supporting sentences. The first 5 sentences are done for you.

  3. Complete Practice 2. Write any suitable supporting sentences. The first 5 sentences are done for you.

SPM 2018: Describe a problem you once had while you were travelling. Explain what you did to solve the problem and what you have learnt from the experience.


Main idea: I met Pak Mat on the bus.

Supporting sentences:

1. Pak Mat was 72 years old.

2. Pak Mat looked like my uncle, Pak Ngah Bidin.

3. He talked a lot.

4. I liked Pak Mat.

5. Pak Mat loved to read.

6. .............................................................

7. .............................................................

8. ............................................................

9. ............................................................

10. ..........................................................


Main idea: At 11.00 a.m., the bus stopped at Tapah Rest Area.

Supporting sentences:

1. Tapah Rest Area was very big.

2. Tapah Rest Area was crowded.

3. I saw many people.

4. I saw some Koreans.

5. Pak Mat and I ate chicken rice.

6. .............................................................

7. .............................................................

8. ............................................................

9. ............................................................

10. ..........................................................


  1. Read and understand the SPM 2017 question below.

  2. Complete Practice 3. Write any suitable supporting sentences. The first 3 sentences are done for you.

  3. Complete Practice 4. Write any suitable supporting sentences. The first 3 sentences are done for you.

SPM 2017: Describe the first time you went on a camping trip. You should write about the activities at the camp and explain how you felt about the experience.


Main idea: My class teacher, Mr Saiful joined the camp.

Supporting ideas:

1. Mr Saiful was a good teacher.

2. Many pupils said he was the best teacher in school.

3. Mr Saiful was our Camp Commandant.

4. ............................................................

5. ...........................................................

6. .............................................................

7. .............................................................

8. ............................................................

9. ............................................................

10. ..........................................................


Main idea: It was a great camping experience.

Supporting ideas:

1. I loved all the activities.

2. We cooked our lunch.

3. My friends and I cooked rice.

4. ............................................................

5. ...........................................................

6. .............................................................

7. .............................................................

8. ............................................................

9. ............................................................

10. ..........................................................


  1. Read and understand the SPM 2016 question below.

  2. Complete Practice 5. Write any suitable supporting sentences.

  3. Complete Practice 6. Write any suitable supporting sentences.

SPM 2016: Write about your experience helping Puan Ramlah, an elderly lady who lives alone. End your story with” “...I learnt a lot about myself by helping Puan Ramlah.”


Main idea: I met Puan Ramlah five years ago.

Supporting ideas:

1. ...........................................................

2. ...........................................................

3. ...........................................................

4. ............................................................

5. ...........................................................

6. .............................................................

7. .............................................................

8. ............................................................

9. ............................................................

10. ..........................................................


Main idea: I helped Puan Ramlah at her restaurant.

Supporting ideas:

1. ...........................................................

2. ...........................................................

3. ...........................................................

4. ............................................................

5. ...........................................................

6. .............................................................

7. .............................................................

8. ............................................................

9. ............................................................

10. ..........................................................


Hopefully, the practices shared above can provide some insights on the writing practices which can be given to reluctant lower intermediate learners. No doubt, they are reluctant to write but this issue can always be addressed effectively when teachers deal with their writing anxieties first. Personally, I have been employing Kona and Goreng (already shared in this blog), the two writing techniques to nurture and develop their confidence to write. Apply any strategies you prefer as long as our reluctant lower intermediate learners always write, write and write!

I do not deny the fact that coaching reluctant lower intermediate learners to write is a monumental task. However, as their English teachers, we have no choice but only to persevere. Their ability to ACHIEVE PROGRESS IN WRITING is our responsibility. If our learners still cannot pass the English paper, never mind because what is more important we have done our part to assist them. What really matters, we and our lower intermediate learners keep trying and making meaningful progress, inch by inch. If our lower intermediate learners cannot fly then let them run. If they cannot run, we have to give them chances to walk. Even if walking is a challenge for them, let them crawl. Whatever we decide to do, whatever ability our reluctant lower intermediate learners have, they have to move forward.

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