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Not all pupils are born into English-speaking families who are not only proficient users of English but can also display a wide range of vocabulary when they speak and write. This evidently means that not all pupils possess a good storage of less common lexis which also refers to low frequency words, high flown vocabulary, bombastic or sophisticated words. Despite this fact, all pupils should show their competence to use less common lexis when they speak and write for their better marks in the speaking and writing papers. Apparently, there is an issue here; using less common lexis is very fundamental, yet many pupils do not have adequate less common lexis.

ESL teachers should not take this issue for granted and must strategise; plan the ways to enrich their pupils’ less common lexis. How? What is the best way? Certainly, there is no one fixed way; no one definite answer. It always depends on a number of factors such as pupils’ level of proficiency and their readiness. Moreover, the teaching and learning contexts as well as the seriousness of the vocabulary issue also determine the vocabulary enrichment process and strategies.

In this write up, I would like to offer teachers (do share it with your students, if suitable) FAITE V (Focused Adjectives/Idioms to Enrich Vocabulary in SPM 1119). It offers pupils a long list of adjectives / less common lexis which is divided into a few categories namely people, feelings, nature, activities and foods. Teachers should design activities to encourage pupils to understand, memorize and apply the less common lexis. It would be good if teachers prepare a simple roadmap or working timeline which describes clearly the aim and activities in each stage of the implementation of FAITE V.

Happy exploring FAITE V teachers!

Teachers, you may download FAITE V here.


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