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Based on the analyses of SPM 1119/2 Part 2 of 2021, 2022 and 2023, obviously more or less the writing tasks are similar to Part 1. Candidates are still required to describe, explain, justify, and suggest / recommend. However, the topic covered each year is something which many candidates are less familiar with. Perhaps, even for the more proficient candidates, some may have difficulties to write well due to the less familiar topic.

What can be concluded based on the analysis of the Part 2 question which came out in SPM 2021, 2022 and 2023? Are there similarities? Are there recurring tasks? Of course, we could see a few recurring tasks such as:

·        sharing a personal experience (real or imagined)

·        giving reasons

·        making suggestions

·        describing or providing details

Therefore, how to prepare our pupils for Part 2 essay either for school examinations or the real SPM 2024? First and foremost, our pupils must be exposed to topics which are less familiar to them such as the ones which I shared in my blog previously (Dated 1st, 4th and 12th of January 2024). Then, pupils should be coached to answer questions like:

1.      Describe your experience joining the school choir team.

2.      Write about an electronic newspaper which you read online recently.

3.      Tell about an environmental campaign to save wildlife that you participated in.

4.      Describe the atmosphere of an opening ceremony of a mall which you attended.

5.      How can learning a foreign language make someone wiser?

6.      Why should scientists carry out experiments?

7.      How can having working experience be important for a job promotion?

8.      In what ways have online businesses influenced people’s shopping habits?

9.      Why is it crucial to preserve Mother Nature for future generations?

10.   What could be the effects of enhancing one’s knowledge on financial literacy?

For sure, as teachers you can formulate your own questions / HOTS questions based on topics which are less familiar to your pupils. Let them explore the answers for those questions individually, in pairs or small groups depending on their ability and readiness. It can be done as a class activity or be given as homework. It is up to your creativity to assign the writing task to your pupils. Forming six small groups and assigning each group to write a paragraph based on one of the six questions listed above, can also be a writing activity in class. Whatever it is, our pupils must think on their own and attempt to answer challenging tasks (in written and spoken forms) as frequent as possible.  

To be continued (with enrichment practices for Part 2).



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